1GN系列旋耕机采用中间齿轮传动结构,是为12-80马力拖拉机配套的耕作机械。该机采用宽耕幅、对称悬挂使轮迹全部覆盖。该机质量可靠,性能优良,能适合旱地和水田操作。有抢农时、省劳力、作业质量高、成本低等特点。 型号Model 单位Unit 1GQN-150 配套动力Matched power hp 30-35 耕幅Working width mm 1500 刀片数量No. of knives 40 整机重量Total weight) kgs 268 外形尺寸O.D 长(L) mm 1690 宽(W) mm 860 高(H) mm 1170 耕深Working depth(cm) 旱田Dry land mm 150-180 水田Paddy field mm 140-200 犁刀型号Type of knives 1T245 输出轴转速export axle rotate speed r/min 530-730 刀轴转速Knife axle rotate speed r/min 180-250 行进速度Walking speed km/h 1-4 耕后平整度Soil level after worked cm ≤5 耕深稳定性The stability rate of working speed % ≥85 碎土率The rate of crushed soil % ≥50 悬挂方式Linkage 标准三点悬挂standard three-point mounted